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September 7, 2009
Dear Shareholders,
As we look back on a year marked by global financial turmoil, it has in fact ended on a very promising note for Probe, one that should make 2010 a very interesting time for your Company. Our two primary assets, the McFauld's Lake projects and our Bristol Township Project, are central to two of the country's most active area plays. The Company is financially strong and able to meet the demands of our exploration requirements as well as taking advantage of new opportunities that are arising from lingering uncertainty in the financial markets.
Our McFauld's Lake projects once again came into prominence on the heels of some very interesting results from Noront Resources, which was followed by our discovery of the Black Creek high-grade chromite deposit on our joint venture project with Noront. With a confirmed asset on one of our properties and significant exploration potential on the rest, we have cemented our position in the McFaulds Lake area and have become a company to watch.
In addition to the good news at McFauld's, our West Timmins gold project, under option to West Timmins Mining, also garnered attention being situated immediately adjacent to the Lakeshore Gold-West Timmins Mining Thunder Creek Joint Venture, where a phenomenal 83.4 m intersection of high-grade (12.75 g/t Au) gold mineralization was announced from the Rusk/Porphyry Zone. Following the announcement of this drill result a staking rush took place in the area, however,Probe's property remains the closest to the discovery, situated less than 800 metres from Lakeshore's mine and the Porphyry Zone. Results from Lakeshore suggest that the mineralization is associated with a particular alteration type that also occurs on our property. Probe was informed by West Timmins Mining that our property represents a priority target for drilling.
Although many will look back on the last 12 months as a year that they would rather forget, Probe Shareholders fared well and the Company is actually now stronger than it was before the financial crisis. With our portfolio of high-quality,high-profile properties, in addition to a strong treasury and new opportunities, we intend to improve on this growth and take advantage of our current resources in 2010.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank old and new shareholders alike for their support and participation as we prepare for the active year ahead of us.
David Palmer, Ph.D., P.Geo.
President & CEO
Probe Mines Limited
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